Wednesday, October 10, 2012


There are so many things happening in our world today. Have you ever really thought about all the things that are happening around you on a daily base.  Look around you and see if anybody that walks pass you on the street should say Good Morning or Good Evening.  Have a nice day when was the last time you heard someone say these sayings.  Or, better yet you say it to a stranger - see what kind of a reaction you get.  Have you ever looked at someone and know that they really are just looking for someone to talk to? Or, do you dare talk to a stranger?  Have you looked around an seen so many selfish people who are just looking out for themselves? What they can get out of someone instead of what they can do for someone?

Why is this nation of ours so messed up? These are some of my thoughts - not asking anyone to agree with me.
Not getting into the political end of things at this time.  With Election Day only a few weeks away.
So many things are so expensive - what can you get today if you don't have a good education? Then again look at the price you have to pay to get that good education. How many student loans have to be taken out or how many parents remortgage their homes to help their children?  Yet, after these students graduate from college they can't seem to find jobs. How sad is this? .

Buying a home today is over a quarter to a half a million dollars or more. Can anyone afford to buy these houses if they don't have the jobs to cover them.  Yes, we can have 401k's & stocks in the stock market , even bank accounts. Tell me what happens when the unexpected happens & you have to use one of these.
I know of so many people that have had to do just this, because they lost there job, or a sudden death in the family. Or they had to put their parent or grandparent in a Nursing Home.  How many children had to move back home cause they couldn't make it in this economy. Or, they had to help their parents for one reason or another.  

How many families have parents that don't pay there child support? These are parents that wanted these children and then for one reason or another have decided that their life has become more important then their children. Either cause they think their getting even with their ex- spouse do they realize it's their child or children that are being hurt by their actions. Please let me tell you that this is a two way street. I have seen almost as many Mother's walking away & I have seen father's. In the good old days as they say it seemed that it was the father's that left & you never heard about mother's cause it was never talked about. Now, you go to family court and look around you would be surprised at what you hear & see.  I ask again who is the person that suffers it's their child. Dosen't the absent parent see this? Don't they care and love their child enough to step up to the plate?

Have you ever notice that when the father walks out there are so many support groups that a mother can go to & actives that a mother can get there child or children into. Yet, when it's the mother that walks out. It is so much harder for the father to get the same support groups or to take the child or children to actives.  There are so many double standards - even more so today the years ago. Again, I say who suffers the child or children.

Another issue that we see more and more of if we just take the time to look around us is that children of much younger ages are having sex. Feeling that they either need to do it cause of peer pressure or looking for the love that they are missing in there lives for one reason or another. We have so many young adults not knowing where to turn or who to speak to when their in trouble. Whether it is a disease of some sort; or pregnancy.  And, sorry folks but how many times do we hear of  children having children. Or girls having babies in the age group of 14 to 17 & either abandoning the child or even killing the child cause they don't know where to go for help.

We need to take time to look around & see what is happening in this world. When was the last time you picked up a phone & talked to the person that you are texting or talking to on the internet. When was the last time you talked to a elderly neighbor to see if they were okay or if they needed anything? Do you even know who your neighbor is? I know I don't know all of mine. They move in & out all the time.  

There so many things we could do if we just look around. Take a few minutes out of our busy schedules. Care about others. Things that would make each & everyone one of us feel so much better. Open our eyes & ears to those that are hurting. or just need that few minutes for someone to say hey I care.  These are just some of my thoughts - hope that maybe after reading it will help someone today to feel better or maybe even help someone they know.    Have a nice day everyone from someone who cares.