Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Spinal Muscular Atrophy what is this disease ? Where dose it come from? Did you know that it is the #1 genetic Killer of children under the age of two ?  SMA is a group of motor neurons of the spinal cord & brain stem. These critically important cells are the cells that are responsible for supplying the chemical messages to the cell muscle.

 This fatal disease which affects and destroys the nerves controlling voluntary muscle movement which affects crawling , walking, head & neck control, it even affects swallowing. 

There are 2 new- born children that are affected each day of the year in the United States. In every 2,000 children that are born 1,500 die before they are 2 years old ! 

There is several facts that are so important and most people don't know these facts:

          1.) There is 1 in every 40 people that carry the gene that causes SMA. This may not seem like a lot of people carrying the gene - when you put the totals together this means that there are 7 millon carriers in the United States.

           2.) The gene is carried by both men & women.  The fact that the chances of 25% of any of their children may manifest the gene.

           3.)Even though this  disease was described many decades ago, there is still a great deal of confusion by physicians as how to diagnosis treatment .

            4.) This disease dosn't just affect infants it also has affected children and adults worldwide.

            5.) The earlier the symptoms are noticed, the more severe the type of SMA .

             6.) There are all different types of Spinal Muscular Atrophy  - Type 1 is the most severe, affecting infants while still in the womb or shortly after birth.

              7.) All the muscles are extremely weak, with weakest muscles being in the legs, upper arms and neck.  Also, affecting swallowing, sucking, digestion and breathing. 

             This is why type 1 is often so fatal with the last know statistics showing that the average lifespan is 8 months.  Most other children about 80% don't live to be 2 unless ventiltion or "life support " is provided.  

              As, time has gone by and with the better quality & quantity of Life some children have been and are living longer. So, statistics have proven that with care and love and the right medical care there has been a longer life span.   But, please Don't be Fooled - THERE IS NO CURE.

              There are 4 types of SMA, SMA Type I, II, III , IV. The determination of the type of SMA is based upon he physical milestones achieved. It is imporatant to note that the course of the disease may be different for each child. 

            In up coming Blogs I will be discussing the different Types of SMA and in the future will be expanding information on SMA in a up coming Book.


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